
Paragon Auto-Motive

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Incorporated under Dubuc Motors Inc. in the United States on January 13, 2016, the company is doing business as PARAGON Auto-Motive and is also incorporated in Canada under PARAGON Auto-Motive Inc. The company was formed to design, develop, manufacture and sell high-performance electric vehicles with integrated spatial computing, on a universal platform, chassis and various body designs. The company intends to become the only low-volume automaker in North America, manufacturing high-end electric vehicles for affluent consumers within the luxury segment of the automotive industry. PARAGON will also be the first automaker in the world to manufacture its vehicles from a LEED Platinum certified, zero-net energy manufacturing facility powered entirely from renewable energy sources.


The company has largely been self-funded since inception, yet propelled and driven by over 800 brand ambassadors globally since 2017 with investors who share in the company's mission. In its efforts to create a holistic collaboration, PARAGON has established deep rooted relationships with local, provincial and federal governments in Canada along with strategic private and institutional equity firms to participate in the development of its proposed venture and production facility. In line with its business model, PARAGON will introduce a range of extravagant EVs into the luxury market while offering modest versions uniquely tailored for corporate, institutional and government fleet needs. 

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