
Nova Innovation

Company | United Kingdom


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Nova Innovation is a recognised world leader in tidal energy with an award-winning team, proven technology and a successful track record of delivery. We sell tidal turbines to clients - design, build, install, operate & service - that generate clean, predictable electricity from the movement of the tide.


We set up Nova Innovation in 2010 to produce clean energy from one of the strongest forces on the planet. We have built a business based on a strong track record for delivery – generating clean, reliable and predictable electricity. Our proven technology is displacing fossil fuels, tackling climate change and transforming the way we power our lives.


Our underwater turbines have zero visual impact and work in harmony with the marine environment, with no barriers or barrages. Nova Innovation is a recognised world leader in tidal energy with an award winning team, a clear route to market and a scaleable business with global potential.


In 2016 Nova successfully installed the world’s first offshore tidal array in Shetland, Scotland, powering the grid for over five years.

In 2018 Nova partnered with Tesla to deliver the world’s first baseload tidal power station.  We also won the European Commision's prestigious SME of the Year Award

In 2020 Nova won its first export contract with utility 'Nova Scotia Power' to install 15 turbines in Canada, worth €36 million.


Nova is seeking investment to scale the business, internationalise and capture global market share.


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