

Company | Norway


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Nornir is a deep tech company that has researched and developed distributed systems for AI and IoT. 

Nornir provides Synx technology which is a distributed BIOS for TCP (internet) that enables domain owners to set up bidirectional data links between web resources. We call the new network Real Time Web (RTW). RTW is backward compatible with the World Wide Web, but can link in IoT and AI services so that the web becomes a collective of more intelligent services.

The Synx product is a series of tools for developers to use the RTW network.
Synx Domain is a domain registration tool for RTW

We now raising money to support our product launch that will take place in November 2020. 
Synx Pass is a tool that provides identification and authentication (GDPR)
Synx BIOS is an operating system directly against the network (serverless architecture).
Synx Trade is a tool for data providers to value their data in the network and track the value chain (linking path)
Synx Hive is a private network (intranet) with open access to all Synx tools when needed. Synx Hive can also be configured to be a platform for developing deep learning (neural network) domains.


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