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Newmanbrain S.L.is a Spanish scientific and technological based company (spin-off) funded in 2017, result of the R&D activities carried out by professors Carlos Belmonte and Joaquín Ibáñez, respectively at the Institute of Neurosciences and Department of Physiology, Medical School of the Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, Spain). Our company is dedicated to the development of software and hardware instrumentation for biomedical applications mainly in the areas of neuroscience and biomedicine. Newmanbrain is specialised in the development of equipment and computerised audio-visual programs aimed at evaluating the changes in brain activity in humans associated to cognitive, sensory, motor and memory processes evoked by different tasks in individuals subjected to psychological evaluation for working, educational or behavioural reasons of all ages, and in particular children and ageing people. All together it has allowed us to perform certain actions and capacity improvements that otherwise independent professional fields would have been extremely difficult to work with different patterns and knowledge. Newmanbrain is a business project with a high level of personal expertise, technical knowledge and connections with top level international research groups, usually only available to very established companies. The instrumentation produced is focused to the professionals who carry out this type of evaluations, although at a more basic level, to a wider audience.

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