

Company | France


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Neurallys is a start-up, based in the Brain and Spine Insitut in Paris and developping a connected medical device for patients suffering from hydrocephalus (high intracranial pressure issue). This pathology is either congenital or a result of a brain hemorrhage, brain tumor,or other head trauma..) and represents a surgery every 15min in the US and also in Europe. 
Hydrocephalus treatment involves surgically implanting a shunt, associated with high failure rates. Shunt failure symptoms include extreme headache, nausea, confusion, loss of coordination or balance, vision problems, etc) and most of them require the patient to visit the hospital ER. This causes a lot of stress, a continuous anxiety for patients and the shunt failure diagnosis is difficult for neurosurgeons, requiring scans and often some exploratory surgery. 
The device Neurallys is developping aims to improve the patient comfort level, to provide neurosurgeons with a new diagnostic  tool, which adds critical information to their evaluation process and to reduce the healthcare system costs.

Neurallys was co-founded by Philippe Auvray CEO, Dr Lionel Rousseau CTO and Prof. Philippe Cornu CSO, at the head of Neurosurgery department at Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, one of the largest in Europe. A scientific advisory board includes neurosurgeons from France and Israel and a strategic advisory board includes people from large medical device companies.

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