

Company | France




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Unique, MilliDrop technology is a major advance in culture automation and high-throughput analysis in microbiology. The MiliDrop Analyzer combines the advantages of Petri dishes and microplates. Incubation operations, high-speed analysis, and sorting are integrated on this printer-sized platform.

MilliDrop uses the millifluidic technology to create cell cultures controllers, revolutionizing research and bacteriological diagnosis.

The MilliDrop Analyzer, allows to analyze the diversity of microorganisms among thousands of population grown in parallel. The phenotypes of interest can be isolated and collected automatically. The MilliDrop Analyzer aims to open the market of analysis and automated diagnosis for small and medium structures.

Today, Millidrop focuses its efforts on the academic and industrial research, with the objective to put its technology at the service of medical diagnosis.

Created in 2015, MilliDrop is the result of ten years of research at LCMD laboratory in ESPCI Paris, one of the world excellence center for millifuidics.

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