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MijnKassabon / iBilly

Company | Netherlands

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iBilly offers a solution for one of the biggest challenges modern retail is facing, benefitting both retailers and consumers.

In contrast to traditional targeting solutions, iBilly makes it possible for retailers to truly understand their customers on a personal level while simultaneously increasing customer loyalty. And because iBilly is based on the same principles as the GDPR, it offers retailers a compliant way to meet increasing expectations when it comes to a personalized shopping experience.

For consumers, iBilly finally offers them a way to be in complete control of their information. And because iBilly rewards them for sharing their data with loyalty coins they can actually spend at multiple retailers, they will be able to become a participant in the data economy instead of being the product.

The data economy iBilly creates will benefit all parties involved, resulting in an appealing ecosystem for retailers and consumers that grows more valuable with each transaction that takes place. iBilly’s unprecedented benefits integrate into a truly promising and exceptional solution with the potential to replace every online and offline payment system and retail loyalty system in the world.

To learn more about iBilly and its opportunities for investors, please contact its founder and CEO Mo Radjab

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