
MeteoPole Zephy-Science ZephyCloud

Company | France

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Celebrating our 5th year in business, we formed AZIUGO in 2017, a French-registered holding company which acquired 100 percent of the equity of our three startups : MeteoPole, Zephy-Science and ZephyCloud. We are now present on all continents, leveraging a unique combination of verticals with a common mission of reducing the cost of wind energy, fast and quantitatively :

  • MeteoPole is a leading consulting team with a recognized expertise on making future projects more bankable and on optimizing existing assets.
  • Zephy-Science is an AI-based engineering software development studio combining accurate modeling, machine learning techniques and big data analytics with opensource technologies.
  • ZephyCloud calculation platform empowers engineers with a unique competitive advantage through more accurate, faster and cheaper simulations.

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