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MemEx Srl

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MemEx is an Engineering Consultancy Company working in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Urban Public Transport and Mobility, Logistics and Smart Cities. In particular, key company expertise focuses on:

·  Public and Collective transports, Fleet monitoring systems, Integrated e-Ticketing Systems, Users Information Systems, Demand Responsive Transport Services, Flexible Transport Systems, Sharing Schemes and Services, etc.

·  Traffic management and control, Urban Traffic Control Systems, Traffic Lights Priority Systems, Automated Access Control Systems, Infomobility Systems, etc.,

·  Integrated Parking Management Systems, City Logistics Services,

·  Sustainable Mobility and Smart City measures,

·  Traffic networks Modeling and Monitoring.

Furthermore, MemEx has also a long experience in European Cooperation, Research and Innovation Programmes, as regards the identification of objectives and approach, preparation of proposals and consortium build-up, technical, financial and administrative project management, set up, operation and evaluation of piloting actions.


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