

Company | Netherlands

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Currently Fashion makes plastic and fake leather from crude oil through an intense chemical process to be able to create yarns, dye them and weave textile fabric. Then we cover it with a synthetic layer, before it is cut into pieces and sewn together.


This conventional supply chain is complex and wasteful with many problems: from horrible labour practices to pollution. The industry is aware of these problems and working on steps to improve: material innovation, better dyeing processes and reduction of water: quick fixes that are needed right now, but it will not be enough in the future. We need a systemic change to really create impact.


MYCOTEX is the first sustainable automated manufacturing method to create custom-fit textile products from biomaterials. We start with growing mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms.  We use liquid fermentation and only work with food grade ingredients. Then the mycelium is filtered, mixed with pigments and applied onto the moulds. After drying and finishing the product is ready to be worn.


We offer a supply chain based on automation making local and on-demand production possible. It is circular as our method is based on natural materials and the elimination of waste. We can work with ANY slurry-based material, also from competitors. And we offer brands unlimited design freedom, finally they can create custom-fit products in new shapes, and with branded textures.

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