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Mind, the technology that improves the quality of life, easily.

Mind develops and implements a proactive and strongly user experience focused integrated system of smart home, consisting of innovative hardware and software components to make unique the experience of living the house.

The core business of Mind is to make people enjoying their home in a simple and easy way, through the principle of Calm Technology and within an intelligent ICT system that builds custom and assistive environments, regulating the living conditions and responding automatically to the evolving needs of the inhabitants. Mind is a stand-alone universal system conceived with a unique Italian design, that brings functionality, comfort and efficiency to every house. 

A) HARDWARE COMPONENTS: 1. A uniquely designed actuator, installed in any wall socket where electrical appliances are connected. 2. A smart multi-sensor, installed in every room and disguised as design-furniture. It contains one of the best performing embedded platform, a set of environmental sensors, a camera and an array of microphones. 

B) SOFTWARE COMPONENTS: A wireless in-home network architecture connects the hardware devices installed in the house. The dynamic rules engine is based on complex algorithms to set rules of face and pattern recognition, machine learning, tracking and motion detection that build a behavior dynamic model of the home, to learn, self-adapt and anticipate the actions from various users. 


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