

Company | Bulgaria


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About your organization

We make any home or building smart!

Our ambition is to create sustainable cities based on human centric real-time data collection and analysis based on affordable, state of art and easy to install devices that pay for themselves through generated savings over time. Offering unique smart home and smart building automation experience to end customers while cutting energy usage by up to 35% and allowing for demand-response and utility bill savings. Benefits for building management and energy management operators to include low upfront cost for hardware and initial set up and very low opex in the longer run for infrastructure support /maintenance / battery and connectivity. Differentiation offered for the end user at home or in the office to include:

- Using LoRaWAN is offering superior range (8km in urban areas and 15km in suburban area) vs WiFi competition (20-30m without obstacles)

- Long battery life (10+years) and low power consumption on a daily basis

- The LoRa waves can pass through obstacles and allow deep indoor penetration and adds the ability to reach sensors monitoring water or gas meters located underground

- Simple public or private infrastructure, reliability, security and lower investment requirement

- Affordable, green and sustainable solution suitable for any building / any type of radiator

- Added benefits such as geolocation features, time schedules and AI learning user habits

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