
Livedrive Ltd

Company | Portugal

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Since 2012, with the i2D Telematics Platform, Livedrive has been driving climate, digital and social transitions in road transport, by improving mobility behaviours in Fleets and Smarter Cities, achieved with new public and private incentive policies.

Smarter buy, use and drive a car… Why not?

Earth will love it.

And will pay-back to Humanity.

For the road transport, science and technology will not provide, in the short term, neither GHG clean energy solutions nor road safety. The best forecasts point to 2050.

The world just realized that the solidarity effort to change the social behaviour of each citizen was the key to avoid the public health collapse until Covid 19 vaccination.

The “vaccine” for road transport mobility issues will take decades. Then, here too, the solidarity effort to change, and keep, the social behaviour of each citizen is crucial, essential.

70% of vehicles circulate in cities. Road transport is responsible for 2/3 of all GHG emissions in cities and these account for ¾ of emissions in the world. 40% of road accidents in cities involve pedestrians. Individual cars dominance will prevail for the coming decades.

The path then passes by focusing on the common interest of the Municipalities of the cities, of the Owners of the vehicles (corporate fleets and individual ones) and of the Society, which each day gets more aware about road mobility sustainability priority.

Livedrive market solutions

  • i2D Fleet Analytics
  • i2D for Smart Cities


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