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We are a little startup that looking for a financial partner to became medium productive company. The goal is offering online selling of kits and part for build a customized light weight ZEV. The product and service offered by Kitopia could look like many other company but actually it is not. Infact new material and awesome technology lead to create a new concept of vehicle that i called Q-bike and similar instead of E-bike, bringing the trasportation to a completely new level. The common mistake for the viewers is think about kitopia like the umpteenth e-bike company but actually kitopia produces and design component that assembled may be a multitude of personal vehicle that concern bike,trike,quad bike,scooter,surf Q-board, vehicle that don't exist yet and even what actually it is not necessary a personal vehicle. The phylosophy based on a circular economy, DIY, nostop innovation, elasticity, alternative solution and collaboration with customer make Kitopia production extremely cheap in comparison to other company. We search a private financial partner because we plan to don't make the production in one of the most industrialized european country but still in europe due to fiscal advantages and local concession.

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