

Company | Germany

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JOKER Tech is a start-up company from Kassel, Germany.

We develop miniaturized micro-inverters to be integrated into photovoltaic modules.

With JOKER Tech Micro-inverters, Photovoltaic (PV) systems produce 5-10 % more energy and are inherently safe in case of fire. The modules generate AC-electricity directly, are interconnected and are each controlled individually.
All of these benefits come with no added cost – on the contrary: Our product saves twice as much as it costs – in total, the cost of solar electricity is reduced by more than 20 %.
The key to low-cost and highly reliable micro-inverters is our high-frequency resonance technology. It is very hard to master, but offers a powerful means of slashing cost.
Compared to existing solutions, our technology reaches Twice the lifetime at half the cost.

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