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Inova Labs

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INOVA LABS is a technical consulting firm that comprise three vertical Labs:

  • Open Innovation, focused on agile innovation, entrepreneurship and open innovation ecosystems.
  • Clean Energy, focused on sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • and Industrial Internet, focused on digital industry.


We also have a horizontal lab that gives support to the others in data intelligence, called Data Science lab.


Through each lab, we supports companies and organizations through services and technological tools that contribute to the generation of value, with a catalog of services and products aimed at SMEs, large companies and institutions. Its underlying purpose is to ensure that client organizations are able to find innovative business opportunities and competitive value propositions.


INOVA LABS is formed by a multidisciplinary team that combines knowledge and skills related to industrial, computer, energy and telecommunications engineering, economy applied to energy and business, applied data analytics, and business organization and administration.


Our clients include small, medium and large companies, business groups and industry associations, Spanish and international port authorities, universities and research groups, technology centers and public administrations.


See more information on our web: http://inovalabs.es/en/

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