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Infinite Foundry

Company | Portugal

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Infinite Foundry is 3D digital plant platform that hosts the precise 3D model of the plant obtained from laser scan, called plant digital twin, to provide an easy 3D gamification experience that drives industrial operational efficiency. It works in three simple steps:

(1) Laser scan the interior of the industrial facility to obtain its 3D precise model including architecture, utilities, production and robotic equipments;

(2) Connect the 3D plant model to the facility to obtain a 3D real-time animation of the production process for accurate assessment of manufacturing capacity and to understand the root cause of production problems. The animation includes both automatic production machines and factory works in order to detect human-machine interaction problems;

(3) Run 3D production and ergonomics optimization scenarios to find the best way to solve manufacturing problems and improve operational efficiency. The virtual scenarios can be validated through virtual reality training where workers go immersively inside the new manufacturing scenarios and execute the new optimized production tasks for efficient implementation of improved production processes.

The 3D gamification technology for production management allows industry to keep plants operating at high efficiency and resilience while they are monitored remotely and/or in teleworking. The implementation is very easy and it unlocks industrial operational efficiencies not possible until now.

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