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InbestMe is a FinTech company in Barcelona, Spain. It was incorporated in December 2016 but started to provide services to clients in March 2017 after it received its license from the national financial regulator CNMV. InbestMe provides services for automatized and personalized investment and wealth management also known as a roboadvisor. InbestMe portfolios are built from ETFs, indexed funds and shares. Initially, it started with a B2C business model and now also enters into B2B business model by offering investment management as a service. The primary revenue of InbestMe are commissions charged as a percentage based on the assets under management as well as success fees, based on the investment gains. As a consortium partner in 2 EU funded projects (one EUROSTARS project and one H2020 RIA project), InbestMe is research & developing high-tech AI and ML based solutions for investment management. This positions InbestMe as the most innovative roboadvisor in Europe.

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