
Immunitrack ApS

Company | Denmark


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Immunitrrack is a biotech spinout from the university of Copenhagen. The company is currently developing a software solution for selection of cancer patients that are likely to repond to check-point blokade  treatments such as Ipilimumab or Novallumab.

There is currently a strong need for better diagnostic approaches in the selection of patients as only 1 in 5 cancer patients benefit from the treatment. This has consequences both to the non-responding patients that receive unnecessary toxic treatment but also to the heatlh care systems globabally as cost are expected to grow from 10,7Bn Euro in 2019 to 38.7 Bn Euro in 2023.

Our solution is a software, termed PrDx, with unmet accuracy in maping patient specific tumor neo-epitope load, as this is know to be a better biomarker to predict responders to check-point blockade treatment.

Immunitrack is founded upon world-leading research on MHC-epitope binding. Our proprietary epitope screening platform NeoScreen® measures the affinity and stability of MHC/epitope interactions, with capacity to rapidly screen libraries with thousands of (neo-)epitopes for applications within immuno-oncology, vaccine production, T cell therapies and immune monitoring.

The company is alreadycommercially active with over 170 clients and collaborators worldwide, providing reagents and data based on its NeoScreen Technology, for research and development of novel therapeutics.


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