
IPRA Technologies Oy/Ltd

Company | Finland

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IPRA Technologies Ltd. is a software development company focused on encryption technology. Headquartered in Finland, one of the member states in the European Union, the company was founded in 2009 by Lauri Valjakka and his colleagues to bring to market the results of a decade–long R&D project that validated the technology behind the EEZY KEYZ® solutions. The result is the the user-friendly EEZY KEYZ® solution which finally makes end-to-end email encryption easy. It was designed to bring back good old postal privacy to the digital communication era. 


We believe that every business and individual has the right to keep their communication and email data private, regardless of their IT skills or resources. Guided by this, we had three main priorities when developing EEZY KEYZ®: 1) it must truly be secure, 2) it must be easy to use and 3) it must be compatible with users’ existing email. Now we are proud to offer a secure and convenient way of protecting email data for almost everybody without the inconvenience of opening a new email account.


The solution was designed to allow users to secure their email communication and identities, email Meta Data, discreet information and business secrets. Every email and its attachments are always uniquely encrypted with a session and identity – based, randomly generated encryption key system, which does not include any hackable general keys.


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