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@INNOVATION offers personalised consulting services to life science companies, investors and start-ups in the areas of strategy, geographic expansion, M&A/BD, commercial strategy & operations, product development as well as governance & compliance.

Coaching and mentoring Startups and SMEs in Corporate Development, Business Development including Channel selection, Strategic Partnering and (Non-Dilutive) Funding Strategy.

Focus on Biotech, Life Sciences, Diagnostics/IVD, Medical Devices and eHealth

We have supported startups and scale ups in achieving funding from 2,5-5M€ each with a focus on AST diagnostics and AI-based diagnostics:
- www.resistell.com
- www.nanosynex.com
- www.admit-therapeutics.com
- www.therapanacea.eu
- www.perceive3D.com
- www.fastinov.com 
among others.

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