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Hyperion S.r.l. is an Italian hi-tech company leader in software development.  Hyperion offers the first and the most advanced artificial intelligence solution for the Safety & Security integration market. With the main software package A3IU, Hyperion provides a unique solution to integrate technologies and intelligent systems which are independent in a single and automated platform. The Hyperion technology creates new concepts for the interface and user’s interaction, it can be customized and integrated with third party products. Through its modular architecture, based on a simple setup procedure, it allows to manage a potentially unlimited number of sensors, cameras (video streams) and other devices. The A3iU solution is proving to be robust and scalable after its first successful commercial applications. Moreover, thanks to its adaptive algorithms its field of application is potentially unlimited. This technology is ready to be installed on a PC server or in Cloud computing and it is Linux based.Hyperion team is composed by a total of 9 people: 3 people in the management team + 6 employees. 

critical infrastructures protection

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