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Hugslock Systems Ltd

Company | United Kingdom

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Hugslock systems is a security & safety service provider offering infrastructure operators best-in-class incident prevention and response management. The company has launched its flagship product an "intelligent" access cover. Hugslock has redesigned the traditional access cover and made it "intelligent", allowing for remote monitoring 24/7 and remote locking.

The access cover can also be connected to underground utilities such as broadband and power networks which would provide an enhanced level of service to customers.

Whether you operate communication networks, utility services or secure high-profile locations, it is critical to ensure that you have 100% controlled access to ensure business continuity and the highest level of service is provided to your end customers.

The Hugslock product can be tailored to reflect our clients' requirements to ensure that they have a fit for purpose solution. The access cover can either be newly built or enhance current access cover real estate through retro fitting.

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