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Hprobe offers the missing test and monitoring solution for MRAM manufacturers and researchers with our 3D magnetic field wafer-level electrical test prober.


To test and design the MRAM stacks, people have to make measurements under perpendicular and planar magnetic fields. In case of Perpendicular MRAM, strength of the field must reach up to 0,5 Tesla.


Since 2003, Spintec develops probers with magnetic field generation. For the perpendicular MRAM, Spintec designs a special magnetic head to generate high fields on wafer. This magnetic head is implemented on standard probers and Spintec develops specific softs for testing and analyzing MRAM.


Hprobe designs a magnetic generator able to generate 3D vectorial magnetic field with a maximum of 0,5 T in perpendicular. This head is patented by CNRS in January 2016. Moreover, Hprobe offers softwares for testing protocols and for physics analysis of statistics measurements.


Laurent LEBRUN - CEO - « Arts et Métiers » engineer, PhD


Jean-Pierre NOZIERES – President, founder/Past Director. Spintec, founder/past CTO Crocus, founder/President eVaderis


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