

Company | France




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HYMAG’IN produces and sells a sustainable, high-performance reagent for water treatment.


  • This product is based on ultrafine magnetite powder - particle sizes are about one micrometer - which is a great advantage compared to magnetite powders already available on the market. This ultrafine size yields unique properties for the elimination of serious emerging pollutions such as heavy metal (Chromium, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic etc.) and organic micropollutants (pesticides, drug residues, halogenated compounds etc.), in groundwater, municipal and industrial wastewater, and drinking water.


  • To produce magnetite, HYMAG'IN develops a unique, patented chemical process, in which fine ferrous waste coming from the steel industry is converted into ultrafine magnetite powder through hydrothermal reaction.


Magnetite: an innovative, sustainable reagent serving the mission of HYMAG'IN:

Make water treatment green again!

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