

Company | France


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We offer a complete VR solution.
Our goal is to be your partner in the virtual reality medium
to increase your profitability and client satisfaction.

Holodia offers the ideal solution for the current market, creating the bridge between the VR medium and adapting it to real world business requirements. We offer a complete, plug and play, non intrusive, adaptable to existent equipment, user friendly solution that encompasses your needs in marketing and differentiation. We developed a virtual reality environment that is compatible with the current needs of all industries. Holodia offers a solution with a focus on business profitability, business current needs, marketing, differentiation, and the greater satisfaction of the end-user.

Holodia provides a full VR solution that encompasses immersive multimedia, simulation of physical presence in places in the real or imagined worlds. Our Design Team has developed full immersion VR maps that allow you to row and bike in inaccessible real world landmarks. We engineered and designed through stereoscopic displays a full VR sport solution that targets sport related enjoyment, satisfaction and goal achievement for end-users and wellbeing business providers alike.

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