
HCS Pharma

Company | France




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About your organization

HCS Pharma develops revolutionary BIOMIMESYS® extracellular matrix (ECM), a game-changing, proprietary technology for building accurate 3D cellular models that will enable a significant reduction in development time in in vitro pre-clinical drug discovery and improve the success rate to find new drugs (from 90% of failure to 90% of succcess).

Our technology faithfully reproduces the natural, 3D microenvironment of cells of any type of organ (healthy or pathological). Such models will ensure better predictive results from in vitro studies, reduce the time and cost of R&D, and eliminate the need for animal testing in the pharmaceutical industry.

We succeed for the first time to:

 - keep alive and functional several weeks/months cells (such as hepatocytes) in BIOMIMESYS vs several days in 2D culture

 - recreate a functional and architectural liver organoid from iPSC differentiation in BIOMIMESYS vs immature haptocytes in 2D culture

 - recreate the mechanical stress on cancer cells due to the modification of ECM and proove that this is the mechanical stress that is the cause of the cell proliferation in a tumor.


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