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GlycoBAR owns a biofermentation technology allowing to produce blood group antigen sugars by using genetically modified e-coli bacteria strains at a cost that is 30 times lower than competition selling price. This is enabling a brand new field of application, including universal human blood plasma (plasma coming from any donor, that is purged from blood group antibodies and is therefore compatible with any recipient). For that purpose, GlycoBAR proposes its blood group antigen sugars grafted on a cellulosic support called BAR (for Blood group Antibody Remover) that is so low cost that it is proposed in a disposable format (the product is mixed with any plasma, the antibodies in this plasma are fixed by the BAR molecules which are then eliminated by filtration). GlycoBAR also owns a patent covering affinity amplification of the antibodies with the BAR molecule. 

The same technology can be applied to purge IVIG (intravenous Immunoglobulins type G) from blood group antibodies, which is currently a huge issue in the plasma fractionation industry. GlycoBAR technology is bringing a solution to an unsolved problem in this industry wchih needs to find a solution to sustain its steady growth of 10%/year of its 5B€/year business.

GlycoBAR technology is ready to be deployed and needs 1M€ to scale-up its process

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