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Gabather AB

Company | Sweden

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Gabather AB is a Swedish Pharma/Biotech Company focused on the development of novel medicines for the treatment of mental disorders with high unmet medical need, such as schizophrenia. Our most advanced compound GT-002 is a novel first in class agent targeting three central aspects of mental disorders; i) inhibits psychosis; ii) improves memory and cognition and iii) promotes social interaction counteracting the debilitating social withdrawal accompanying many central nervous system (CNS) diseases. This differentiates GT-002 from all other therapies on the market, which are only able to target a limited range of symptoms in e.g. schizophrenia focusing primarily on psychosis and other associated positive symptoms. GT-002 is currently in clinical phase I development and targeted for proof of concept (POC) clinical studies in patients during 2020.

The commercialisation strategy is to develop GT-002 to clinical Phase II POC and thereafter acquire strategic partners for continued clinical development and market launch.

Gabather aims to gain global recognition as an emerging knowledge centre for treatment of schizophrenia and then expand to other mental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), bipolar disorder, attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Down syndrome.


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