
GDZ Electric Power Distribution

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About your organization

Izmir and Manisa’s reliable grid operator 


Since 2013, GDZ DSO has been delivering electrical energy to its customers in the provinces of İzmir and Manisa. In the region where GDZ operates, with the authorization we have received from  Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), GDZ will provide services as the only licensed electricity distribution company.

As a distribution licence holder, we are responsible for executing connection and system utilisation agreements with users of the distribution facilities, the maintenance of the overall distribution network, collecting electricity consumption data, engaging in billing process and process of installation and operation of the automated meter reading systems. In addition, in the area of our authorization, based on the evaluation of energy demands, grid needs and all the other investment requirements,we oversee the lay-out of necessary strategical investment plans to improve grid resilience and reliability.

We continue to provide electric power deliveries  to approximately 3.5 million consumers in the provinces of İzmir and Manisa with GDZ Electricity Distribution. 

To ensure that as much electricity is available to everyone and everywhere in the region we operate, we adopt a sustainable approach with high quality standards.

In GDZ, we consider the delivery of electricity as the fundamental service of modern life, and develop systems and solutions for a better future to all our customers. 


IoT applications in Grid Asset Management

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E-mobility and Electricity Grid: The Imminent Challenges and Opportunities

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Network (1)

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