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FFRobotics Ltd.

Company | Israel

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FFRobotics developed the FFRobot - a patented Robotic Fresh Fruit harvesting, thinning and pruning platform that decreases dependence on human labor, reduces harvesting and operational costs, increases output and improves the quality of harvested fruit.

The FFRobot is capable of harvesting apples, and, soon, also citrus, pears, peaches, mango and a variety of other fruit - in three daily shifts and in most weather conditions.

Fully automated yet easy to use and maintain, using advanced robotic arms, sensors and machine-learning algorithmsthe FFRobot will precisely and gently pick 10 times more premium quality fruit compared with a laborer, thus paying for itself quickly by drastically reducing picking costs, improving fruit quality and increasing Growers’ profitability.






FFRobotics increases the profitability of FRUIT TREE GROWERS with an innovative fully automated fruit harvesting robot that almost completely ADDRESSES THE CHALLENGE OF HUMAN LABOR SCARCITY /replaces human pickers/?. Using advanced robotic arms, sensors and machine learning algorithms, THE FFRobotics picks fruit quickly and efficiently saving labor costs, increasing output and improving the quality of harvested fruit. 

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