

Company | France


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EverClean-Solutions, a MedTech start-up.

Our aim is protecting health of your employees and customers.

We are developing and selling extremely innovative automated hand disinfection solutions, IOT connected, applying natural plant-based disinfection lotions that respect health and the environment.

We allow you to meet the most important challenge of the fight against the spread of viruses (80% are transmitted by the hands!) in order to protect everyone's health: Reducing infections means protecting your employees and customers, preventing them from diseases, keep them in good shape. This contributes to societal solidarity and would avoid the following costs if our solution were generalized:

- 14.5 billion euros per year in France: Cost of non-hygiene (sick leave, cost of care, loss of productivity)

- 4,000 deaths per year in France, 37,000 in the EU more than 100,000 in the USA: Number of deaths directly linked to Heakth Associated Infections, of which 80% are transmitted by poorly disinfected hands.

EverClean-Solutions' mission is to drastically reduce these figures

We combine innovative, user-friendly, communicating automated devices, which use a 100% natural lotion, without alcohol, without any % healthy to health.

Join us in this wonderful mission of well-being for all! everclean-solutions.com


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