
EventTender GmbH

Company | Germany




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About your organization

We will revolutionize beverage catering for airlines,rail and others to increase sustainability severely while reducing cost and leveraging customer experience. This will be achieved with disruptive end-to-end solution that combines mobile and/or fixed installed beverage mixing units that provide hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks with high quality water, that is eco and society friendly sourced at the airport. All elements of the solution can communicate through an IoT-backbone and can be furthermore connected to the aircraft in real-time.  

The company holds an aviation production allowance by EASA and has successfully designed and flight-tested similar products. Important brand partners gave their allowance to use their recipes and ingredients.  

Now ETS needs financial support to bring current designs and prototypes to prepare for rapid commercialisation. The market is prepared and now is the right time to disrupt the beverage supply chain in major industries that cater to people on the move, first aviation, and later rail and event business. 



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