
Episome Biotechnologies

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Episome Biotechnologies is a biotechnology company that was founded as a research&development laboratory. Episome Biotech focuses on industrial enzyme technologies. We aim to provide sustainable and environment friendly products for biogas, textile, leather, paper, starch, detergent, rubber and biofuel industries. Our newly developed product, Epicellulyse XT, enables use of paper mill sludge in biogas and organic fertilizer production. Previously paper mill sludge was not suitable for biogas production due to its cellulose content. The material caused crust formation in biogas digesters and hard to digest the cellulose did not release enough nutrients for biogas production. Epicellulyse XT is a whole cell biocatalyst, optimized for this job. It is used in pretreatment of paper mill sludge and making it ideal for biogas process.

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