
Elbe Valley Medical Ltd

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We are a private reseach company based in Ireland and we are focused on several areas but cybernetics is on main area. We are developing a solution for treating large and agressive cancer tumours very quickly using our microbots.

Our solution is based on the premise that a tumour starved of blood supply will die. It is a proprietary blood-borne nanorobot system. Using our system, a patient will be injected with over a billion of our tiny devices. These devices will travel all around the body via the bloodstream and when activated, they will stop blood flow at the blood capillary level thus choking the tumour in the target area in mere minutes. Our system is more suitable for large and aggressive tumours. In fact the more severe cancers are easier to treat than smaller tumours. While we are currently focused on beating cancer, our technology has many applications outside the field of Oncology.




ISO13485 compliant Microsystems manufacturing

Scope of the partnership

Vial filling for veterinary products and also human products

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