Edamam is a leading food and nutrition data company.


Company | София, Bulgaria

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Edamam sells nutrition analysis and meal recommendation solutions to businesses in the food, health and wellness sectors.

Notable clients include Nestle, Samsung, General Mills and Epicurious and we have over 7,500 subscribers to our APIs. Our goal is to become the leading provider of nutrition data to businesses worldwide.

Edamam's has built unique, proprietary technology and algorithms to organize and structure food and nutrition data.

Prodcuts and Services

Edamam provides access via API or data licensing to:

-- Real-time nutrition analysis engine with human level accuracy (95%+)

-- Diet and nutrition focused meal recommendation engine

-- Database of  5+mm recipes and 1+mm foods, tagged and analyzed for every nutrient, allergen, diet, chronic condition, CO2 impact, etc.

Business Model

Edamam charges customers monthly for licensed data or access to its APIs. Pricing is volume based and calculated off of the price of a unit of licensed data or per API call:

-- API minimum monthly plans range between $100 and $1,300

-- Custom implementations carry charges of $1,000-$5,000 per month

-- Subscriptions for our B2C nutrition analysis tool is $5-$25 per month

Current per-customer monthly revenue is $900 and growing.

Competitive Advantage

Our proprietary technology represents a very high barrier to entry:

-- Semantic organization of data in own Food Knowledge Graph database

-- Sophisticated natural language processing for the food domain

-- Unique algorithms for recipe search, nutrition analysis, and diet labeling

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