

Company | France


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ENERGIESTRO is a French startup company, supported
by BPI France and Région Centre, winner of the Innovation 2030 contest: Concours Mondial d’Innovation 2030 in 2014 and the EDF PULSE AWARD in 2015.

ENERGIESTRO has been developing the technology of FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE for several years, with the aim of reducing the high cost of battery energy storage, in order to increase the adoption of renewable energies.

ENERGIESTRO recently invented a flywheel made of a new low cost material, that will enable the cost of storage to be reduced by a factor of ten (patent pending).

Targeted APPLICATIONS are:
– storage and smoothing of intermittent renewable energies;
– power supply to remote sites: telecommunications antennas, housing…
– rural electrification in developing countries;

The ENERGIESTRO flywheel is the ideal storage for large solar power plants in desert areas.


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