

Consulting company | France


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About your organization

With its 70 employees, Dynergie is a French SME providing specific expertise on helping innovative companies identify and benefit from funding opportunities in line with their projects and global strategy.


Over the last 12 years, Dynergie has built several services in order to help our clients :

  • identification of opportunities,
  • setting-up of project proposals,
  • proposal submission,
  • coaching for oral presentations,
  • negociation of the final aspects with the funding agencies,
  • administrative and financial project management,
  • support for technical coordination, dissemination and communication,
  • setting-up and implementation of the exploitation strategy thanks to assessment of market potentials.


With our strong knowledge of European funding schemes such as H2020 or Eurostars frameworks, we understand how challenging and time-consuming these tasks are and how much of a positive impact they have on the actual project’s implementation, the project funding and outreach if they are managed properly.


Please contact us at collabs@dynergie.eu for further information.


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