

Company | Belgium


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Dezyme is a spin-off from the 3BIO (BIOtechnology, BIOprocesses and BIOinformatics) department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB, Belgium. The company in-creation is offering to the Life Sciences, chemical and biofuel industries expert know-how in optimizing important features (stability, solubility,...) of proteins of interest (enzymes, biocatalysts, monoclonal antibodies, vacines,...). Access to the company's know-how is ensured through the licensing of best in-class proprietary software of the MuSiC suite and / or via fee for service contracts covering in-silico optimization and in-vitro experimental validation. Fee for service contracts have already been clinched with a top 10 pharma and a top 3 vaccine companies. Licenses have also been purchased by a top 3 Industrial Enzyme company. More than 500 academic and university labs are also using the software on a daily basis for their research activities.


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