

Company | Portugal


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Delox is a spin-off from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon incorporated on top of over seven years of research in July 2018. We invented and developed dryVHP (dry Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide), a proprietary technology consisting of a solid formulation of hydrogen peroxide. Besides highly effective (eliminating 99.999% of the microorganisms), safe, and environmentally friendly bio-decontamination agent, it enables the design of portable, robust, energy-efficient and effective bio-decontamination devices that address a severe problem of microbiological contamination in the Public Health, Pharma, Biodefense and Space sectors, as well as will bring a definite contribution to reducing the critical shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ultimately, Delox has a vision of encompassing needs for clean and safe environments to anyone having a right to a life in good health, through bringing bio-decontamination to a prevalent and affordable level. We strive to deliver bio-decontamination to everyone, everywhere.

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