

Company | Belgium


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About your organization

Datavillage unlocks the value of behaviourial data. 

Behavioural data such as people's social activities, geolocations, health status or shopping habits are crucial for organisations in order to innovate creating tailored services or products. However, today this data is locked and used by the global and local service providers within their own ecosystems. Thus, organisations struggle to improve their services and innovate as they lack easy and compliant access to behavioural data.

We unlock this data by enabling the consumers to execute their legal rights (GDPR, CCPA, ...) of getting and crossing this data to create their digital profile to generate a new open ecosystem benefiting everyone transversally. 

Then, allow organisations to use these Digital Profiles in a legally compliant way to offer their consumers hyper-personalised experiences and enable the creation of innovate products and services.

We propose a white-label solution for data fetching, organising and processing that organisations can embed within their digital channels to access and use the Digital Profiles of their consumers in a fully consented, thus compliant way.


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