
Cytomine Corporation SA

Company | Belgium


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Cytomine is active in Digital Pathology within the Biomedical Imaging field.  Cytomine Corporation SA proposes a solution allowing to bring the technological cutting-edge computer science innovation into the biomedical field through its web platform available anywhere & anytime hosting a powerful and modular AI engine.

The Cytomine software is a web platform for collaborative analysis of very large bio-medical images and semi-automatic processing of large image collections using machine learning algorithms.  Cytomine can be used in research, education or diagnostic in every domain where collaborative analysis of large amounts of imaging data is important. The software provides a very fast access to high-resolution images allowing users to annotate regions of interest and add semantic information to images and to annotations. Additionally, users have the possibility to run algorithms for semi-automated image analysis and share all their work with teammates using synchro- or asynchronous tools.  Cytomine has been used for biomedical research for the detection and quantification of tumours or cells counting, object classification or landmark detection. Cytomine is also used as a virtual microscope to teach histology and pathology.


Collaboration with (1) industrial, (2) public or private research centers and (3) hospitals

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