

Company | Germany

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Contentpepper is a software company based in Cologne, Münster. SMEs don't have a pragmatic one-stop-solution for digital lead generation.

They have to rely on a "wacky-stack" of tools (CMS, Newsletter, Social Media, Analytics ...) that are rarely connected, don't offer strategical insights and/or feedback. This way lead generation is little more than educated guesswork.

Our solution is based on a best-practice growth process that manages digital channels & campaigns for all stages of the digital customer journey and converts prospects into customers. Our Solution offers a digital marketing suite that integrates planning, creation and distribution for web, newsletter and social media. A unique and continuously growing database of marketing interactions with Contentpepper Cloud continuously trains our AI to provide automated advice for digital growth. The result is a highly automated, efficient process for digital lead generation, which isn't rocket science

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