
Contego Sports Ltd

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There is a common consensus among medical experts that G-Force impact is a major factor in sports-induced head injuries. Based in Ireland, Contego Sports have developed a next generation head protector called N-Pro. 


Contego have used an evidence based approach to develop and commercialise the N-Pro sports head guard, which has been scientifically proven to provide impact protection. 


Utilising our cutting edge defentex™ impact management technology, N-Pro is designed to reduce the G-Force energy transferred to a player’s head during impact; one of the major factors in sports-induced head injuries. 


It offers reduction of linear impacts by up to 75% compared to existing rugby headguards, and reduces rotational impacts by up to 55%. N-Pro manages G-Force impact energy through its multi-layer construction, without compromising comfort and fit.


You Compete. We Protect. N-Pro.

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