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ComplexData was created in mid 2018 as a spinoff of the Center for Complexity and Biosystems (of the University of Milan specializing in big data and artificial intelligence. ComplexData develops new algorithms to analyze and visualize large amount of data and has strong experience in dealing with biomedical data, from genomics to imaging. ComplexData has devised a number of algorithms for big data visualization and dimensional reduction, the analysis of geo-localized as well as methods for biomedical data integration and bio-molecule discovery. Complexdata  also developed algorithms for EEG signal analysis and biological models to study the impact of pollution on the human health. ComplexData received a series of important awards and recognition, including the victory of the StartUp 4.0 prize and in the G-factor competition by Fondazione Golinelli and the selection for the “Genio & Impresa” exposition, showcasing the most innovative companies in the Lombardia region.

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