
CompPair Technologies Ltd.

Company | Switzerland

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Answering problems of durability and sustainability, CompPair Technologies Ltd. drastically reduces repair time and maintenance costs, improves recycling of composite parts while keeping standard specifications.


CompPair Technologies Ltd. brings on the market healable and sustainable composite material solutions to reduce repair time from hours to minutes and improve circularity. It is the result of 12 years of thorough research in the field of self-healing composites from EPFL in Lausanne. We are now able to deliver an efficient smart and bio-inspired solution for extending the lifetime of composite structures. CompPair provides smart prepregs (preimpregnated textiles) semi-products integrating a novel chemistry and compatible with existing production lines of structural composite materials. These new materials enable repeated damage healing, usage as resistant and lightweight materials and easier recycling at the end-of-life. Reducing maintenance costs, increasing products lifetime and improving global sustainability while keeping standard specifications are the opportunities we provide
to the composites industry.


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