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ClouDesire is focused to simplify the access and the adoption of cloud technologies by businesses and governments, as well as how to automate the processes of distribution and sales of software through the paradigm of Software as a Service.

The company designed and implemented a fully functional  platform - the ClouDesire enterprise application marketplace - already used and up&unning by some market leaders telcos.

Our platform key-features are:

  • Open Marketplace: any software vendor can make the upload, provision and deployment of its own applications with ease applying any commercial arrangement, including both the typical SaaS pricing models - like subscription (aka recurring) and consumption (aka pay per use) - and complex pricing nuances like initial setups, extras based on unitary prices per quantities, etc.
  • Easy On-boarding: software vendors are simply required to upload a single package containing any software written in any programming language which will be deployed in minutes. The platform will automate the expensive, time-consuming and mission-critical tasks while allowing for a continuous life-cycle monitoring. 
  • Cloud Agnostic/Democratic: applications can be deployed on any cloud service provider chosen at will by the ISVs or the end-user.

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