

Company | France




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CerbAir, a French company with an international mindset, develops its anti-drone solutions from start to finish.

No matter the size, type, risk-level or budget of each site, our solutions are tailored to each specific need. We offer flexible high-quality solutions for near airspace protection at a competitive price. We protect our clients from small intruding drones and adapt our systems to each site and event.

Our radiofrequency (RF) technology is at the heart of our solutions, offering an ideal technological base to detect and neutralize malicious drones in real-time. We are committed to keeping drones on the paths laid out for them

Our 4 anti-drone solutions include:

  • Stationary Solution for 24/7 protection
  • Mobile Solution for on-the-spot protection
  • Portable Solution for on-foot protection
  • Vehicle Solution for protection on wheels

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