
Blue Room Innovation S.L.

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Blue Room Innovation is a high tech company with strong focus on business growth by the uptake of IT enabling, cutting edge technologies, and a perfect fit with the proper consultancy to leverage that growth by public and private funding, and further collaborations. Its unique innovation ecosystem gathers established companies, competent innovation experts, and unequal partners.

We are an innovative company with a prepared, versatile and multifaceted team with experience in the implementation of innovative projects that respond to current social challenges such as currently unprecedented RECICLOS. At the same time, we work with companies across Europe and understand their challenge to create, implement and finance an innovation project.


Our strategic objective is to join the platform economy and connect relevant actors with circular economy processes, promoting sustainable consumption with the aim of ensuring that the resources used are kept in the EU economy for as long as possible. We consider our digital technology a fundamental enabler to achieve the sustainability objectives of the Green Deal.

Blue Room Innovation is part of the Open Innovation Ecosystem of TheCircularLab of Ecoembes that offers solutions related to Citizen Awareness and Awareness in the process of digital and ecological transition.

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