
Bioo (Arkyne Technologies SL)

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Bioo develops small reactors based on microbial fuel cells applied to plant environments. Electricity is produced from the decomposition of organic substances obtained from living beings naturally found in the earth. 2 products are being developed, Bioo Sensor (agriculture) and Bioo Panel (smart cities).


Bioo Sensor offers a cheaper (4+ times), more autonomous (3 years with no maintenance guaranteed, possibility of extending the lifespan to 10+ years in the future), more reliable (constant electrical generation during day and night, irrespective of weather conditions), and more sustainable (primary component is graphite, which is cleaner, safer, and cheaper to extract than lithium and silicone) solution.


Bioo Panel offers an uninterrupted and greener power supply with no visual pollution.


Quick facts:

- Prototype ready, testing with partners; commercial launch in 2021

- 3 patents: 1 active worldwide, 2 filed

- 2.5M€ in R&D H2020 EU grants

- 1M€ in private funding in 3 rounds

- 50+ international awards (EU Parliament, Google, Forbes)


Find out more: https://www.biootech.com/


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